Thursday, January 27, 2005

a proud moment

I just walked into the bathroom to check on Harrison in the bathtub. Chris had put in him the tub a few minutes ago and filled it with toys including those foam-type alphabet letters. Apparently Chris had placed some of the letters on the side of the tub, but I couldn't see them from my angle. As I walked in, Harrison laughingly said to me, "Mama, Daddy spelled a word without a vowel! Isn't that silly?"

Yes my dear one. That is really silly.


chisparoja said...

we're big fans of those letters too - until this morning when my daughter pulled them out of their little bag and they stunk of mildew... hmm... guess we have to let them dry more thouroughly! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's very impressive. :)
