Monday, January 24, 2005

My husband wishes I was Austrian

As I think I’ve mentioned before, we moved from a large Victorian house (still FOR SALE back in Wisconsin by the way!) into a much smaller Tudor here in Salt Lake. In our old house we had a large garage, basement and walk up attic for storage. In this house we have MUCH less room.

Every few months my husband and I find a reason to try and clean and organize the storage spaces that we do have. Yesterday was one of those days. We need to make room to set up my treadmill in the unfinished portion of our basement. (Remember my doctor’s visit?) Or as Harrison calls it when he’s in there – “I’m in the room that we’re not supposed to be in!” This type of cleaning basically involves me supervise Chris’ obsession with throwing things away. He doesn’t keep anything and expects the rest of the world to follow suit. I don’t have a lot of keepsakes, but if I want to hold on to what I have, I need to present to him justification. It can be exhausting.

I do LOVE the idea of being a minimalist. Of not needing things in my life, but who am I kidding? I am completely sentimental and therefore keep many things from my past: school papers from Kindergarten through college, candy wrappers in foreign languages from my trips to Europe, doilies and silver spoons from my grandmothers, my children’s tiny baby clothes, etc., etc. I don’t have more than three or four boxes now…Chris has managed to “help” me purge the rest. That’s ok, though. He kind of has a point when he screams, “We have too much shit!” (You have to be there to really appreciate the non-verbals that go along with that statement.)

The day was fairly painless and I actually think I may become converted to this organized type of lifestyle. The treadmill is now up, plugged in and ready to go. Why haven’t I used it yet? Two reasons: 1) We need to get another extension cord to plug in the TV (an absolute necessity when running like a rat on a machine in a dark, clammy basement) and 2) I’m not sure I want to start my new healthy lifestyle quite yet – there’s a lot of responsibility that comes along with that, ie. eating fruits and veggies, giving up large portions, exercising REGULARLY, etc. Whew! That is a lot for this inherently lazy person


chirky said...

i hear ya. this morning i woke up for NO GOOD REASON AT ALL. i keep telling myself that i want to start exercising, but my bed is so much WARMER and COMFORTABLE than the effort i would have to put forth to exercise.

and so i laid there for the extra hour, rather than showing any sort of discipline or desire to lose weight. isn't it enough just to THINK about it? Can't i just WILL the weight away?

Anonymous said...

Dave here: are you interested in going in on a storage unit together?