Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Barefoot and pregnant might not be so bad

I emailed one of my friends from Green Bay, Kelli, and told her that my boss was extremely STUPID for hiring me because I am incredibly under qualified for the job I hold. She wrote this back: “Just remember, today is a Seinfeld episode and each section of your day is like a Saturday Night Live skit. Tell your boss that you will be back in a couple minutes and then go shopping the rest of the day!”

I told her that my school isn’t exactly like Vandalay Industries…someone would probably notice.

I do have an amazing job. I work at a charter high school that is doing wonderful things for teenagers. My background in school counseling and advertising is a perfect match for my position, but I just DO NOT know what I am doing on a DAILY basis! My title is “Transition & Development Specialist”. EXACTLY!

The job of producing marketing materials has fallen upon me. I have tried to learn In-Design, but am extremely bad at it. I am notoriously cheap, and somewhat proud, so I refuse to hire graphic design help. I start out thinking that I can produce whatever I’m trying to produce, only to learn (usually five minutes before the press deadline) that I am unable ONCE AGAIN to produce aforementioned item. I bought a book to help me, but who are we kidding? It’s a software program! Who can teach themselves that???

At about two minutes till press deadline time, I become desperate and ask for help. It’s a vicious cycle. I should really just admit that I’m as STUPID as my boss.


chirky said...

:) I want to say "Sad for you!" and "Hooray for you!" at the same time - what opposites!

Maybe you should break down and hire a graphic designer. Or, if you'd like a break in the price, look into hiring a senior graphic design student at a local university. They'd like the practice, and you'd probably benefit from the help! ;)

Anonymous said...

You aren't stupid. Doing stuff for press is hard. And if moronic designers insist on using JPG files for press, what are you gonna do??

That's right. Rum. Coke.

the help