Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Not one of my prouder moments

I yelled at a medical assistant at my doctor's office yesterday. Literally. Out loud in front of other medical personnel.

I was walking into the back area, to be escorted into one of the exam rooms, when she stopped and casually said, "Step on the scale, please." I panicked. Freaked out and YELLED. "I don't want to. I HATE this part. Why do I have to do this? I have an earache for heaven's sake!" She was 19, maybe 20, and just stood there staring at me as I took off my jacket, shoes, necklace, earrings and belt. I stepped on the scale and then things got much worse. She underestimated my IMMENSE poundage and had to move over another one of the BIG weights, instead of just sliding the little weight over. I proceeded to moan, "See! I'm at my absolute heaviest and I knew you were going to have to do that!"

As I stepped off the scale and re-dressed myself, I looked up to see three women just staring at me. I apologized. (Another one of my issues - I say "I'm sorry too much")

I would give anything not to worry about my weight.


chirky said...

You're not alone. I have panic attacks everytime I go to the doctor's and have to do that same thing.

I don't bother removing all my stuff though, because I know that it won't help enough to warrant the effort.

at least you tried! ;)

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Carol!

I refuse to weigh myself at the Dr's office. The first time I refused I said that my weight had nothing to do with my visit and I go by my scale at home anyway...SO THERE.

The Medical Assistant's response? Fine with me...weighing yourself is totally voluntary.