Monday, January 10, 2005

My inquisitive little girl

Ella is going through a phase. She asks "why" questions ALL THE TIME. I definitely noticed it about a few months ago, but not as much as I did today. People tell me this is a normal developmental phase, but either Harrison missed that phase, or I did in my post partum haze (Ella was born when Harry was 22 months old).

I spent today alone with her because she had the stomach flu last night. The diaper bin was down to two lone diapers, and since Ella felt much better late this morning, I decided that we could venture out to Shopko (I hate Shopko, but we are MILES from a Target.)

Here's a sampling of some of her questions from today:
(before you judge many of my lame ass answers - try and come up with a better answer yourself)

"Why is the red light red?" "Honey, someone decided that the light should be red."

"Why is the green light green?" "Someone liked the color green."

"Why do we go on red?" "We STOP on red, dear."

"Why do we stop on green?" "We GO on green."

"Why do we go on green?" "Someone decided that traffic should go on green and everyone agreed."

"Why do we stop on red?" "Same reason."

Five minutes later...

"Why is the red light red?".......

On the way home from Shopko sitting at a light....

"What is that noise?" "It's the sound of cars going by us hitting a pot hole."

"Why does it make that noise?" "I don't know, honey."

2 minutes later...

"What's that noise?" "What noise? The radio?"
"No. That sound in the car." "It's the sound of the wheels on the road."
"Why does it make that noise?" "I don't know."

2 minutes after that...

"Why do mommies and daddies use so many words?"


Anonymous said...

I love your blog; your writing is very graceful and sincere. You'll catch up to Beth and Heather, technologically speaking. It's just a matter of habit and regular use. I loved your supermarket entry of a few weeks ago. I have only one child and I am leery of grocery trips with him and he's not mobile yet.

Anonymous said...

Wow she is really verbal for 2!! Hope she is feeling better.

chirky said...

Oh my gosh. Posts like this make me wonder if I'll ever be fit to be a mother. That would make me CRAZY on a regular basis.

I'm a newlywed, almost 8 months. :) Not looking for motherhood for a few more years, but plenty of people have me questioning whether I have what it takes! :)