Sunday, January 30, 2005

On the bright side

I’m feeling optimistic today - lots of good news, or at least good things to think about.

First and foremost, my mom has passed another hurdle in her battle with cancer. She is on the last type of chemo, for her cancer, out there. In other words, if this doesn’t help, we will have to wait for a new type of chemo to be introduced to the market. The reason she has never tried this chemo before is because it can cause severe heart damage as a side effect. Now the good part: she just received a positive report from the doctor. Some test she took to check her heart came back just fine. No heart damage. We don’t know yet if it’s reducing her tumors, but we are all hopeful.

Another good thing – the sun came out for a moment - enough to make us all squint as we exited the grocery store this morning. It was short fleeted, but Utah in January can be blissful in other ways. It’s warm enough that the kids are outside running around without jackets chasing a remote control car they discovered in older brother Ben’s things. What a great way for them to burn some energy! I can’t believe we didn’t think of this sooner! They are running up and down the sidewalk just screaming and laughing chasing this silly car. They’ve been unusually whiny this morning, so I hope this helps.

Thirdly, we have an idea to sell the house back in Wisconsin. I have a great friend there, Kelli, who loves me, and my house, and would make a great salesperson. She is willing to host some open houses. So, we are back to square one – FOR SALE BY OWNER. Our house is pretty unique – it needs someone to tell its story to potential buyers. Kelli is our woman. She will give it the justice it deserves. Beth, another great friend, is willing to help me put together a website so that we can try to advertise on the Internet and also direct people to the site through the newspaper and yard sign.

So, not a very funny, nor exciting post, but I have realized that I need to remember – and acknowledge – any positives that come my way. It is extremely easy to get caught up in self-pity. Hey, I even exercised on my treadmill this morning! Things ARE getting better.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the house sale! I think a web site is a great idea. People like to scope stuff out before they look sometimes...I know I did! That's also great news about your mom.

Finally, loved the Utah photo yesterday. My brothers live in Moab and it's always great to see a little bit of their new home state.


chisparoja said...

Good luck with your mom! My cousin and I are very close and she's still battling breast cancer which was diagnosed in 1999. It's metastasized to her brain and bones, but we're hopeful. Same as your mom, she's on the "last" available chemo and will be on it until something else comes out. Get used to the bald look, I guess! :)

Good luck on the house! I think the internet could be an invaluable tool for you - especially since you're so far away!

Anonymous said...

I've never met you or your Mom, but since reading about her struggle with breast cancer (you wrote about it awhile back) I think about you guys a lot. My Grandma experienced a similar battle with breast cancer and always had the most positive outlook. Combine that with our family's case of "Midwest Nice" and you'd never know she was even sick.

Good luck to you guys with the house. I've got some family that lives up in that area (Gillette). Maybe I should check with them to see if they're interested in a real estate investment? Something good will work out!

Have a great day


Anonymous said...


You have a good head on your shoulders. Everything is going to work out. Your priorities are in line and quite frankly, you are a damn good writer. Hang in there with all this stuff. And maybe, you should do something about the broccoli issue ;) Not to get you freaked out or anything, but remember my Grandma and her heartburn? Yeah, not heartburn, Heart attacks. We love you guys. Thanks for walking and talking.


Anonymous said...

My friends are moving to Madison, so if your house for sale happens to be there, can you let me know? Thanks.