Friday, January 07, 2005

Let it Snow

Harrison loves construction sites and vehicles. He knows all the names of the machines – bulldozer, front loader, crane (his FAVORITE), backhoe, etc. – but blanketly refers to them as “dig-gees”. Since the weather has turned cold, he hasn’t been able to play in his sandbox with all his diggees. Yesterday morning, while Chris was shoveling, Harrison discovered that he could create a virtual construction site from a pile of unshoveled snow.
He pushed it, scooped it and loaded snow into his dump truck for over a half hour. He was in basic little boy heaven.

It doesn’t snow a lot in Salt Lake City, but when it does it’s gorgeous. It has that first snow feeling each time and it’s usually warm enough to go out and play in. The kids and I went for a walk last night after dinner. We returned things we borrowed for our trip last week to neighbors, and just enjoyed the quiet evening. Ella got sidetracked by the toys at her friend Adi’s house, so it was just Harrison and I walking over to Beth’s. Our hands were clutched tightly on the icy sidewalks. I was in mommy heaven! On the way back, as we walked by the houses of neighbors we don’t know, Harrison stated, “I think that everyone should have children.” “Why is that, Harry?” “Because then they could buy diggees to play in the snow with!”

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