Thursday, January 20, 2005

I hope it’s a phase

Ella is 22 months younger than Harrison, therefore Harry is in charge. Whatever he does, Ella emulates and usually copies.

Things like learning the ABCs and playing with the train set are great things that Ella can copy without any concern from me. There are a few things that bug me, however:

- making short whining-type utterances when answering a question instead of using words like “yes” or “no”

- running away from me in a store when I am calling her name

- carrying Playdoh masterpieces all over the house leaving a trail that not only Hansel and Gretel could follow, but their grandchildren besides

and my LEAST favorite

- calling me “Mister Mama”


jay said...

I know the feeling about being "Mister Mama." When I worked with preschoolers, I often was called Mr. Jay. One little girl, however, always called me Ms. Jay. I brushed it off to her being so little, until one day when her mother came to pick her up and needed to leave quickly. She said, "Say goodbye to Ms. Jay." Part of my masculinity died that day.

chisparoja said...

my daughter began calling me Miss Mommy - i assume because all day she calls her teachers at daycare "Miss (insert name here)". it was actually a bit heartbreaking but so super-funny to hear her call the man in our lives "Miss Milan". hee hee. :)

chisparoja said...

ps - is it bad that your grocery post had me CRACKING UP??!! especially the part where the cart hit the light post! :) i only have one to drag along on errands and trying to keep those little fingers off everything in sight and keep her in the seat and keep her happy - whew! i'm exhausted just thinking about it - but 2 of them??!! i feel for ya! :)