I think Harrison is trying to rip my heart out one piece at a time.
H: “Mama?”
M: “Yes, Harry?”
H: “I wish you and Daddy worked on pew-ters at home?”
M: “Why is that?”
H: “Because then we could all stay home together.”
A record of our life
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oh, that's definitely at the top of the sweet list! i bet he grows up to be like the kid in the campbell's soup commercial whose mom is studying one night and he makes her some soup and a sandwich or something. those little moments are amazing. btw--that picture of ella with kyle at crazyus is absolutely dreamy! i hope eli didn't get too jealous...
that's Empewters at our house...
Is that a real sky? wow
see why I moved to Utah???
When do your kids have to start 1st grade and how long is there school day?
I work full time, so my kids are in school for about 8-9 hours. They do love their schools, but after a three day weekend it's hard to get back in the groove. Harrison starts Kindergarten next year which will be full day and Ella is two years behind. I've thought about staying home MANY times, but am not sure that's best for any of us. Luckily I work in the public school system and have more breaks and summer off.
micah calls it a "peter". LOL. i love the photos of everyone over at crazy us. especially, as trudie mentioned, the one of kyle and ella. so sweet these little ones. micah actually wants to get back to school after 3 days of dealing with mommy. my little social butterfly! :)
I promise this will be my last question! Do the kids start to learn how to read and write in kindergarten (does kindergarten differ from preeschool? or does that start in 1st grade? And last but not least do you have to pay for kindergarten (I know this might be a stupid question, but as I might be moving to the US I am trying to get as much information as possible) Thank you!
Tina, Preschool varies from family to family. Some kids go for half days a few days a week, while other kids, like mine, go all day because we work full time. Kindergarten is 1/2 or full day depending on where you live. Learning to read depends on the child and the preparation he/she gets. Typically, few kids can read when they enter Kindergarten, but really master it in first grade. Most kids, almost all, go to Kindergarten. All kids HAVE to attend school all day starting in first grade. Does this help?
oops forgot one thing...Kindergarten on up is free if you choose public school.
What a lovely thing to say!
I guess you can't tell him that you might all drive each other mad if you stayed at home together all day!
Thank you! that was indeed helpful!
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