Friday, February 11, 2005

Eli calls her "My Lady"

Ella has a boyfriend. I think.

Eli’s an older man. Just turned three and she won’t be three till April. Ella and Eli (that’s hard to say – go ahead, say it out loud) started becoming good buddies last November around Thanksgiving. Eli is a pretty rough and tumble kid with his brother and Harrison, but around Ella he’s really gentle.

They have a lot in common. Both have older brothers. Both love to copy everything their older brothers do. Both love great colors. (Eli’s favorite is pink and Ella’s is “puh-ple.”)

The other night Beth and family came over for dinner because their house was filled with floor varnish fumes. As the evening got late, I started a bath for Ella. I didn’t want her to scream when I pulled her away from the fun she was having with Eli, so I suggested he get in with her. Beth was cool with it and the two of them had a blast. They behaved SOOOO much better in the bathtub than Ella and Harry do. I couldn’t believe how much fun they had. Beth took lots of pictures, but it didn’t seem to phase either of them as they are both used to cameras in their faces the better part of any day. (Disclaimer: Beth does not work, nor as ever worked for any Kiddie Porn sites or video companies.)

I haven’t walked, excuse me, TRAINED with Beth all week. I had to work at home on a newspaper ad for my school two nights (not part of my overtime, by the way. I don’t feel I should penalize my principal for my continued inadequacy with InDesign) and then had to work Wednesday night. Last night I promised her we would walk. I walked in the door and got talked into making the Pillsbury Crescent Rolls that have been in the fridge too long. (ok, it was my idea) I also wanted a margarita. What could be better than putting my feet up, sipping a green salty slice of heaven while munching on a warm roll? Why walking with my friend Beth, THAT’S WHAT! She did it. She pulled all the right strings (“you’ll feel so much better if you walk”, etc.) and I went for a walk. Chris chimed in and told me that the sooner I walked, the sooner I could have my drink. So I told Beth I could walk, but it had to be right then (the drink, the drink!) She came over with the double stroller and Eli and we plopped Ella next to her man.

They were in heaven. They actually chatted. No screaming or annoying loud talk, just nice simple conversation. This lasted for about 40 minutes. No fighting. No pulling hats off. Nothing. Ella even leaned her head on Eli’s shoulder for a part of their ride. Beth and I didn’t really realize the moment in history that was occurring until about 25 minutes into our walk. We had talked the whole time and were not interrupted once. NOT ONCE.

Ella has a real friend. At two. How cool is that?


Anonymous said...

Not only does Eli love Ella, but we love you. Dinner was fun. fun. fun. You look beautiful in your pictures. OK! I am so happy that Eli has found such a wonderful friend, and a friend who has parents that we really really like.

Strizz said...

That is cool. I am sure they will appreciate the bath pics when they are 14.

My son and his cousin are 6 months apart and play together almost daily. They have a serious love hate relationship.

Psycho Kitty said...

Oh, they are waaaay too cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, these two are something else! I got tears in my eyes reading about having a friend at 2! A respectful one...gosh, thanks!

chisparoja said...

That's the coolest thing. Micah's best boy friend is Carter. And they NEVER fight. I mean never. (You know girls - they're best friends one second and pulling each other's hair the next.) I've seen Carter smack Micah and then Micah say, "that's okay, car-car, it was a axsadent (accident), right car-car?" and he'll say, "yeah, a axsadent" and kiss her boo-boo. A-dorable.

ps - why did i change my screen name, you ask? - just to be super-annoying! no, i actually did it by accident and then didn't bother going back... so - hi! i'm the writer formerly known as megan! :)