Sunday, March 20, 2005

Harry Knows Best

This morning it is snowing and fairly cold. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday it was much warmer, but the morning air was still crisp. Chris had to go in to work for the day and without him I cannot open the garage door to pull out all the things a mom and two kids need to play outside. The garage door opener has been broken for about five months and it is a total pain in the butt. We have such limited disposable income that priorities for spending on other things have won out this winter. The only way to open it is with brute finger strength. One has to wedge their fingers underneath the bottom of the door and then pull it up. No longer are handles put on the outside of garage doors – a little fact I hadn’t noticed until ours broke – so it is impossible for me to open the door. This gets to be quite annoying. Luckily, I remembered to ask Chris to pull the Burley and sand toys for the day.

Harrison noticed that Dad was outside, and still in his too-short-for-him-glow-in-the-dark-dinosaur-footie pajamas, he ran outside to see what was going on. Chris was outside pulling things out of the garage for me and told Harry to go in, change and then get a coat and shoes on. Right. That’s really gonna happen. Harrison responded the only way any almost five year old could – he ran in and put on his alligator rain boots and coat right over his pulled-too-tight jammies. He then grabbed his digger and dump truck and started playing in the sand box and our little play house.

(rest of this post guest-written by my husband)

When Chris noticed that Harrison had come back out, he walked around the garage to check on him. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed something unexpected sitting up in the tree branches that extend over the top of the outdoor gym thingy.

Dad: What is that in the tree?

Harrison: My Snow Leopard. (a snow leopard puppet named “Leppy”)

Dad: What is Leppy doing in the tree?

Harrison: He is a leopard, they climb trees.

Dad: But he is a stuffed animal and he shouldn’t be outside, you will forget him tonight and he will get wet.

Harrison: That doesn’t matter. He is a snow leopard, Dad. They live in the snow and snow is wet.

Dad: But he is a stuffed animal and should stay in your room.

Harrison: No, he is a snow leopard and they live outside in trees and snow, he will be all right.

Dad: Hmmmmm…..I am not so sure but if you think he should stay outside then I guess that is OK.

Harrison: Yes, he can stay outside, he will be all right.

So….who did Dad find in the tree just as it started to rain on Saturday night while picking up all the toys from the backyard? Leppy, in pounce position, anticipating a bird or neighborhood pet for dinner.

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