My mom was awesome. Always available. Loyal to a fault. However, she never once did a craft project with us. She did knit for us, and I vaguely remember a macrame' owl she created sometime in the 70s.
For some reason I have this latent Martha gene. God knows where it came from. For example, I made my own wedding invitations. They were even three dimensional! Who does that? (I just had a brief flashback of me screaming at Chris because he wasn't tying the ribbons on the "right" way.)
I don't do a ton of crafts, but we've had to buy two IKEA storage benches to contain all the baskets of drawing paper, crayons, pipe cleaners and felt. Oh - I almost forgot to mention the foam craze. We have at least 3 million foam stickers - alphabet letters, Sponge Bob characters, miniature feet and hands - you name it.
Last week I decided that we should make presents for the kids' teachers. Harry has two - each works five days on, five days off. Ella has two - one in the morning, one in the afternoon. Can't forget the lead after-care teacher. She needs something, too. And while we're at it, why don't we make their thank you cards.
Here is a photo of the cards we've made so far.

As you can see, we haven't eaten at the dining room table for about a week.
Tomorrow is the last day of school. We're not done with all of our projects. We have one picture frame to paint, and two wooden boxes to finish. Also, our notes are not all written. Oh, I just remembered that we need to bring homemade cookies to the Kindergarten graduation extravaganza. The teacher is creating a recipe book for all of us to take home, so I can't cheat and buy some.
If this rain lets up, and we have to go to baseball practice, I may be painting and baking myself. With a few gin and tonics.
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