Going on vacation, immediately after learning that I wouldn't have a job next fall, was probably the best thing I could have done. Poor
Heather has had to listen to me complain, whine and get angry for the last twenty four hours. She's been great about keeping it all in perspective, though. "F**
k'em, you deserve so much better...let's drink!"
We're in Palm Springs visiting an old friend of mine and it's definitely therapeutic. I had a margarita by the pool yesterday afternoon. Drinks in our condo before dinner. Another margarita at the restaurant and then more back at my friend Monika's condo. Yep, who needs therapy?
Yes, I have a headache this morning, but nothing a little ibuprofen can't tackle. Today I feel calmer. I know that this is "for the best", but I just hadn't planned on leaving school counseling this way. I had visions of them begging me to stay when I quit. This is a little different. Now I don't even know if I can show my face next Monday. Think about it - I'm supposed to go back to work - for TWO MONTHS and act as if everything is fine. What do I tell the students? I have to tell some of them as I'm the advisor of a club and we're planning for next year right now.
Monika said yesterday that I have to go back and act completely professionally, or don't go back at all. I'm not to discuss it with anyone - just hold my head up high and continue to do good work. Ummmm, what? Me? Act like the bigger person? Not get petty? I honestly don't know if I can do that. C'mon! If I go back, I want to bash these people, behind their backs, because I'm a chicken shit when it comes to confrontation. I'm basically admitting that I don't think I have it in me to be the consummate professional. I will be officially entering my mid-forties next month, but today I feel like I'm 14. I'm just sayin' - if I had to go back today, I don't think I'd act terribly mature at all times.
So today the cleansing needs to begin. Less alcohol, fewer calories, exercise and laying by the pool are on my preferred agenda. Monika, the Palm Springs party girl, has other ideas, however. She has a lunch date planned for us at 11:00 and drinks and appetizers at 5:00.
I better go workout and try to get some of this out of my system.
On a personal note, Chris - I can't respond to your emails - something about a server connection error - but I am truly sorry that it's snowing in Salt Lake. (tee hee hee!)