Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Homework Assignment

Harrison was asked to write directions for making a healthy snack as a writing assignment. I don't have access to a scanner, but I will attempt to reproduce what he came up with. Warning: he tends to forget vowels at times and he reverses "b"s and "d"s a lot.

Name: Harry

Snack: Smoothie

Ingredients: IcE Yogurt StroBarYs Bnanas ornge juice

Steps to Make:

First: You Put ice in the Blenber

Next: You Put StroBarys in the Blenber

Then: You Put Bnanas in the Blenber

Then: You Put onge juic in thE Blenber

Then: You Put Yogurt in the Blenber

Last: You Mix it all up.

Next Friday, I will be helping Harry make smoothies for his "Show and Teach" demonstration. First graders are apparently too old for "Show and Tell" where we just had to ship Baby Seal to school. Now Harrison has to demonstrate something for his class. "We will need 22 cups, Mom,"...and a blender, a cooler full of fruit, ice and yogurt and patience.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

It will be lots of fun!

He will always remember that!

Anonymous said...

Hey Carol!
Tell Harry we love his recipe...smoothies are awwwwesssomme!!
I have a quick solution for the b/d mix up thing...when you say a /b/sound note your lips they make a line-so when you write a 'b' you start with a line, then make the bump. Likewise, when you say a /d/ where is your tongue? curled into a circle, touching the roof of your when you write a 'd' you begin with a circle! Try it! This works like magic!!:) love your blog, btw And, have FUN with the first graders! They are a ball:)

Anonymous said...

So cute. I can totally imagine how this must have looked on paper. :)