I went to Florida last week. Alone. To visit my dad. Alone. In case you didn't pick up on that - I DIDN'T TAKE MY FAMILY. Any of them.
My dad lives a pretty peaceful existence down there. Lots of reading, lollygagging and golf. He doesn't need too much more than that. When I got home and called to say "Happy Easter" and "I made it home just fine" - he thanked me for motivating him and getting him out of the house. I'm not sure what we did. I do remember one trip to Costco. And a visit with Jonna. (My dad loves her more than me. "She's so perky and vivacious!")
It was back to reality today, though. My kids are on Spring Break this week (mine was last week.) I went to work, they went to camp. A few days before I left for my trip, I was notified that my position (yes, the new one that I just took which has immeasurably improved our lives) was eliminated due to budget cuts. This must make some kind of record. I have held the job for exactly five months. I will stay through the school year, but don't know if I'll be able to slip into any other opening in the district. I spent the day trying to figure out who else may be interested in the available position. It was really fun.
The kids missed me, but Chris did an incredible job single parenting for a WHOLE WEEK. He didn't complain at all. I complain if he comes home after 6 PM. They both started soccer last week and are still in gymnastics. I vowed never to get this involved. Especially in sports - it's too...athletic.
Ella celebrated her birthday while I was gone. I called and sang to her. Harry had a musical performance at school - he was an echidna. I bought the fabric - Chris made the costume. He used shoelaces, from his boots.
Maybe I should go back to full time - I really think they'll all be fine.
Ya know, I'm just a reader. On the outside looking in, but having been here for quite some time, it's obvious how happy you've been being able to be more with your family.
You seem to be happier, and more hopeful, and those are two very important things when running a house.
You're obviously very good at your job, so I'm sure there are more part time positions available around that area. Maybe something new all together?
Just because this position fell through, doesn't mean there isn't another part time opportunity just waiting on you.
Don't give up.
A better way of looking at it is that everyone is getting more independent, freeing you up for a road trip to Michigan. :-)
Glad you had a relaxing trip with your dad. Good luck on finding a new job. I hate hunting for and starting new jobs!
It's snowing here today too. :(
If your family can financially manage with you working PT, stick with it! I am so darn tired each night - I don't think life should be that way. Even though I love my new teaching assignment, I am so looking forward to June. Speaking of trips...any to MN soon?
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