We drove down through Provo Canyon and the approach was amazing. The colors are just starting to turn.

My two cherubs. Ella ready and willing to be photographed. Harrison, on the other hand, will do whatever it takes to get me so frustrated that I'll put away my camera.

The many faces of Ella Annamarie. She has quickly blossomed into a first grade "adolescent". The attitude, whining and backtalk is so junior high.

There is a pond at Sundance that we always climb around on the rocks. This year they have stocked it with fish. They're really pretty.

Mt. Timpanogas, and the surrounding peaks, are so breathtaking. Every time we go there I always wonder why it took us so long to get there.
Oh it looks so beautiful in summer!
I've been to Sundance twice, both in January, and both with skis on the roof of my car.
Unfortunately, neither time were the conditions adequate enough for Bob to open the lifts, so I've never actually skied it. But I did go through the museum that's there once. It's a unique place (or was back in 1990 when I was last there!)
I love the pictures and I am so glad you have finally posted again.
I really need to get to Utah some day. Maybe Summer of 09 our fam can head west!
Lovin the pup... and the reference to the gang loaded up in the truck to go to the shelter...
how about
or even
for a name for your new puppy?
Dooce has too many comments, so I thought I'd leave you a message directly. I think Spirit would be a great dog name!!!
Or Gypsy! I just named a puppy a few weeks ago, so I'm still churning them out. I named my guy Loki, ostensibly by accident, but in reality it's perfect as Loki is the Norse God of Mischief...
what beautiful hair they have! Lovely kids. Good luck with your new pup!
crazy how much those kids look like you. mine are all clones of their dad, and I've always taken it as a bit of snub, considering I pushed them out and all. ;-)
Where are you? How are you? Please Post!
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