Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Another day - another milestone

Tomorrow Harrison starts Kindergarten. I'm not worried. I'm not scared for him. I'm not overly excited. It's another change - another beginning in his schooling. I feel as though I'm supposed to cry when we drop him off tomorrow morning. Isn't that what moms do on the first day of Kindergarten and when their kid leaves for summer camp?

Tonight we did his homework. Yesterday he had a short assessment at his school with his teacher. Chris took him, and filled out some paperwork, while his teacher asked him some questions. Afterwards. Chris was given a "welcome" letter and a project for Harry to complete. Homework. He got homework, before the start of the year. In Kindergarten. He had to decorate a figure, that looks like the outline of the Gingerbread Man, with glitter, construction paper, yarn, etc. I don't have things like glitter lying around. I am not crafty. I have my moments (made my own wedding invitations and baby thank you cards) but they are few and far between. I found about 20 buttons - pretty much all white and black - and a bag of hair ribbons from when I was a kid. I also found some yarn from the knitting project I started right after Harrison was born. He did it, though. He managed to create one very beautiful Gingerbread/figure/Harrison look-a-like with marker, five buttons, one piece of hair ribbon and yarn.

When I showed it to Chris, complaining that I was a lame mom for not having better craft supplies around the house, he immediately made me feel better by reminding me that the project was supposed to be a "Harrison creation" - nothing more.

I'm pretty sure I'll be fine about Harry's milestone of starting in the public school system. I'm worried, though, about all the other stuff - PTA, homework, providing the right school supplies, buying the appropriate gift for his teacher at the holidays (if I even find time to do that). That's the kind of stuff that will kill me.

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